Looking after your child and balancing your own life can get difficult sometimes.
But, there are people and strategies out there to make your life easier. One such solution is to hire a nanny to care for your child and even perform household chores if agreed upon. Let’s take a look at the benefits of a nanny – specifically, why you should one over paying for a daycare.
The History of Nannies
Nannies have existed in all cultures around the world for a very long time. Traditionally, nannies worked as servants in large households and reported to the lady of the house. According to historians, nannies existed between the family and domestic staff. But, sometimes they weren’t accepted and often lead a lonely life. Typically, they lived with the child and stayed with the families from childhood to old age. This involved caring for more than one generation of child. At the time, nannies had many responsibilities with all aspects of childcare. This involved bathing, dressing, nursing and entertaining the children. Some nannies would even provide assistance with housekeeping and cleaning. There were a variety of nannies who taught children formal education until they were old enough to attend school.
If we look at the evolution of nannies, their responsibilities have changed dramatically. The position of a nanny has changed significantly. For example, they now specialize in areas and can define their skillsets to individual families. For example, they can be live-in nannies, weekend nannies, nanny housekeepers and more.
The Benefits of a Nanny
Child care costs can become extortionate, even though your child doesn’t always receive undivided attention. Who your child spends time with and what activities they engage in influences who they become. A nanny isn’t just someone who looks after your child and hands them over at the end of the day. These are professionals who care and love what they do. They become a part of the family and influence your child’s personality and attitude.
1. You’re in Control of Who You Hire

One of the benefits of a nanny is that you have control of who educates your child. Unlike education, you aren’t able to pick and choose your child’s teachers. However, when you choose a nanny, you interview them and pick someone who fits your requirements. You become in control of ensuring that your nanny has the suitable certifications and education levels for your child. On the other hand, in a daycare setting, you have no control of say in who spends time with them.
It’s important that your little one is surrounded by someone who you trust and feel comfortable leaving your child with.
2. Your Child Can Work at Their Own Pace

Many daycare settings focus on children as one group, rather than as individuals. As a result, they don’t receive the individual care and attention they deserve. Your child might be forced into working on a subject they don’t enjoy. Or, perhaps they’re forced into potting training before they’re ready. However, another of the benefits of a nanny is that they work with your child at their own pace.
You’ll also have more control over what areas your child can focus on. As you pay a higher fee than you would in a daycare, you can also have more input in your child’s learning.
3. Specialized Options and Education

When you hire a nanny, you have more say in what your child works on. Depending on your nanny’s specialities, you can request that they learn another language. Or, perhaps you’d like them to focus on their conversational skills. Another of the benefits of a nanny is that you get more input in your child’s education, activities and hobbies. Also, at the end of each ‘session’, you can request a breakdown of what your child has learned or achieved.
We recommend having a clear vision of your child’s goals before hiring a nanny. That way you know what to look for. For example, opt for a nanny with experience in music if you want your child to learn an instrument.
4. A Strong, Bonding Connection
In daycare settings, your child will likely be split into different groups – sometimes not always down to their choice. However, spending consistent time with the same person can encourage a stronger bond. By engaging with the same person each time, your child learns how to communicate and trust another person. On the other hand, it’s difficult to bond with multiple people – especially when they don’t receive undivided attention.
5. More Awareness of Allergies and Sensitivities
If your child is a part of a daycare setting, it’s difficult for workers to remember the exact dietary needs of every child. Even if you provide paperwork, we’re all human and people can easily forget or disregard things. But, if your child eats a food which is detrimental to their health, the consequences can be severe. But, a nanny who cares for your child every day, they’ll get to know what triggers your child. As well as dietary restrictions, they can provide more time and attention for behavior issues too. It can be difficult for daycare workers to provide the full attention your child needs. But, with one-on-one attention, they’ll receive the care they need.
6. There’s Little Preparation Work Involved
As your child doesn’t need to leave the house, there’s less preparation work involved for you. For example, you won’t have to prepare a packed lunch every day. Your nanny will gladly make and prepare food for your child if you stock up on the right ingredients. Also, if you have an early/late meeting, you don’t have to struggle finding transport to pick your child up and drop them off. Regarding their dietary needs, they’ll eat similar foods, rather than mess up their diet with different foods.
7. A Nanny Is Flexible
A nanny is flexible and will cater to your needs. Let’s say you’re stuck in traffic or have to stay at work late. Your dedicated nanny will gladly cover the time you’re late, rather than a daycare which finishes at a certain time. Another of the benefits of a nanny is that they’re likely to cover additional shifts or reschedule if you need them to.
8. Yours and Your Child’s Sickness Won’t Become a Problem
We all get sick, and you can’t plan when this will happen. Let’s say you become ill and have to take time off work. Ordinarily, you’d still have to take your child and pick them up from daycare. But, you can remain in bed without leaving the house, whilst your child receives care. On the other hand, if your child is sick, taking them to daycare can become a problem for them. Alternatively, if they’re so sick that they could be contagious to others, it’s best they stay in bed. Thankfully, a nanny can attend your house whilst they remain in bed to rest.
Do You Have a Nanny?
We hope you enjoyed reading the benefits of a nanny. Your child will receive social interaction and receive a schedule based on their needs. If you can have less stress and more time in your life, why wouldn’t you? The above points are just a few of the many benefits of a nanny.
Do you have a nanny? We’d love to hear about your experience and feedback. Share your thoughts in the comments to keep this conversation going.
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