We all want to live our best lives, and for many folks that means living a luxury lifestyle.
What does it take to fulfill that desire though? How does one achieve the luxury lifestyle of their dreams when just navigating life at all is challenging? Sure, as a species we’ve moved past the need to hunt for our dinner each night or migrate so we don’t freeze in winter. But even though we are surrounded by constant miracles of technology and science, life can be difficult when you don't have the joys of a luxury lifestyle. For this reason, we've compiled everything you need to know to live your best life yet.
What is a luxury lifestyle?
What does living a “luxury lifestyle” even mean? Does it consist of living in a mansion with gilded walls and furniture? Or continually moving from place to place to keep things fresh? Maybe it is something as simple as a warm, dry place to gather with family every day to share meals, conversation, or quality time?
Fact is, a luxury lifestyle can be all, any, or even none of those things. Below, we’re going to explain not only what a luxury lifestyle is but, also, offer our best suggestions for how you can achieve it for yourself. Even if you’re not all that wealthy, you can find a way to make your every day life as luxurious as you want.
Things to Keep in Mind About Your Luxury Lifestyle:
As mentioned, a luxury lifestyle does not focus on just one specific aspect. Sure, we all have our own ideas of what that sort of life entails. Usually, it brings to mind big houses, lavish locations, and servants rushing around with fancy drinks on trays.
While we suppose you shouldn’t knock it until you’ve tried it, there is no reason that this limited view of what luxury means to some should define it for everyone. Yes, fancy, expensive things are indeed luxurious. But we’re not just talking about "things" here. We’re talking about a way of living your life!
A luxury lifestyle begins within.
Having a cadre of servants waiting on you hand and foot might be nice, but it would probably stale after awhile. When considering a lifestyle, you have to think beyond the moment and consider all possibilities. It’s more than just choosing a nice jacket to wear or springing for that flashy car. No, a true luxury lifestyle has little to do with the material things around you, and everything to do with your attitude.
Therefore, the first ingredient to luxury is the sort of confidence that comes with being comfortable with yourself. Before you adorn yourself with the trappings of success and wealth, you need to know how to inhabit your own skin. Luckily, everything after this step is easy.
How to Make Your Luxury Lifestyle Last:
Once in touch with not just the person you are, but also the person you hope to be, it's time to build your luxury lifestyle around you. Disabuse yourself of the idea that simply surrounding yourself with expensive finery will do the trick. Following the guidelines below can help you make the right choices to live the life of your dreams.
1. Set Your Goals.
You could be living in a palatial estate on a cliff overlooking the ocean, but if you never wanted to be there in the first place it could feel like a prison. Just as you have to know who you are before building your luxury lifestyle, you have to know what it is you want from life.
Do you want to live in the heart of the city? Do you want a big house on land removed from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis? Do you want a fast, flashy car you can open up on empty highways? Or maybe a more sensible, dependable ride that prioritizes comfort and amenities over performance? The answers to these questions will determine your road map.
Setting your goals is the hardest, yet most important step.
Think about what is important to you, and then go for it. You could be at the most exotic beach in the world and wanting for nothing, but if you hate the feel of sand on your skin, it’s not luxurious. The mistake people too often make when trying to build a luxury lifestyle is trying to impress others rather than pleasing themselves. Don’t do what your friends or media say is luxurious, especially if it conflicts with your own desires. Express yourself through your own tastes, and the people you hope will take notice probably will.
Of course, don’t expect to get everything all at once. When you set your goals, think of them like a progression rather than a shopping list. Start with something small, like a bed or the most luxurious chair you can think of. Then, as you get one thing, start working towards the next. Your luxurious lifestyle will build up around you, it just requires a little patience.
2. Figure Out What You Want Most.
The next step to living a luxurious lifestyle is to prioritize your goals. This ensures that they are achievable and attainable with the practicalities of life. For example, if your goal is that flashy sports car, but you live in New York City and can’t afford parking, don’t get that first. Assessing your desires in terms of your current situations is essential for planning your strategy.
You should follow two guidelines when prioritizing these things. If you do, so you can not just eventually live in luxury, but enjoy it along the way:
1. Accept your budgetary limitations.
First, accept your budgetary limitations so that you can live comfortably -- the foundation of all luxury. Ensure you have an excellent financial plan in place, to prevent overzealous spending. Realizing your luxury lifestyle fantasy is an exciting time, and sometimes optimistic people forget that what goes up sometimes comes down. If you get a luxurious living room set but end up bouncing your rent check, that’s not very luxurious.
2. Learn to compromise.
Second, don’t be afraid to compromise with yourself. We’ve all been taught about the “devil” and the “angel” on our shoulders who represent the two sides to consequential choices. However, the choice is not binary -- at least not when it’s about manifesting the luxury lifestyle you want to live.
If your dream home has four bedrooms, don’t immediately discount a good deal on a dwelling with two bedrooms. You might even realize that two rooms works fine for you. You’ll be comfortable in that place and able to set your sights on the next goal, rather than living beyond your means.
3. Make wise investments.
Unless your idea of a luxury lifestyle is changing surroundings or recycling possessions every so often, you will want to invest in your dreams. We don’t use this word lightly. These are the items you will surround yourself with every day.
The place where you live, your vehicle, your wardrobe, and everything that’s yours represents some facet of your luxury lifestyle. Thus, you should treat these things like investments, because that’s what they are. They are investments in you.
Avoid the hype.
Along with flash, novelty is often overly associated with the idea of luxury. Just because something is new doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to have. However, sometimes it does. It all depends on what is new about the item in question.
A classic Rolls Royce is, without question, one of the ultimate symbols of luxury across the globe. Even still, the people in the two-year-old Hyundai in the next lane have heated seats, parallel parking assist, and dozens of other modern amenities. So, when it comes to driving or riding around in luxury, newer might actually be better in this case. However, the opposite can be true.
When it comes to things as varied as architecture or furniture, or even the kinds of light bulbs you use, sometimes older may feel more luxurious than the hottest new thing. Luxury is style, and style is another form of personal expression. So, express yourself.
4. Treat Yourself!
The tips so far focused on the more metaphysical aspects of constructing your luxurious lifestyle. However, sometimes you just have to treat yourself! Again, luxury means different things to different people. Still, pretty much everyone agrees that going out and getting something you want the moment you want it is as luxurious as it gets.
Whether you like to engage in occasional retail therapy or enjoy a spontaneous splurge, it's prudent to enjoy the fruits of your labor. As much as luxury and lifestyle are a mentality, sometimes you just have to treat yourself, like the character from the comedy Parks and Rec.
As much as the video is a joke, the idea behind it isn’t so bad. It’s all well and good to work diligently on a lifestyle plan to achieve your goals. Yet this doesn’t mean you can’t splurge once in a while, especially if it makes you happy.
Want that cool new electronic device or a hot new outfit? Do it. Want to indulge the foodie in you with a meal at a gourmet restaurant? Go for it. Want to spend all your savings on a luxury yacht? Wait, hold up. Don’t do that.
5. Don't Treat Yourself All the Time.
There is a difference between a luxury lifestyle and living a materialistic life of pure indulgence. But it’s not as far apart as you might think. Treating yourself every so often is good for the soul. Constantly doing it will not only wreck your plan to achieve the luxury lifestyle of your dreams, but it will also make it less fulfilling.
Imagine your favorite dessert. When you have the chance to enjoy a portion of it after a meal, it’s a wonderful surprise. But, if you eat it after every single meal, you’ll grow to hate it in months. Much the same can be applied to creating a luxury lifestyle.
Indulging is fine -- in moderation.
While indulging your every whim is not exactly like eating the same food item every meal, the ultimate effect is the same. The joy you feel when indulging yourself in something special becomes less, well, special. So, as you treat yourself more and more, it becomes less satisfying.
Stick to your plan, and everything might work out for the best. Spend most of your money on nonsense whims, and you won’t live a life of luxury, but rather feel buried under a bunch of useless stuff. By avoiding useless buys now, you save money for larger purchases to epitomize a luxury lifestyle.
6. Forget About What the World Thinks.
So much of our ideas about a luxury lifestyle have arisen from social media. Social media influencers share pictures, videos, and the likes of their cars, mansions, private planes, and so on. Consumers, in turn, offer validation by sharing, commenting on, and liking these posts.
Their luxury lifestyle isn’t about what they find luxurious, but rather what they think the world does. They boast their possessions, which can be fun to look at, but doesn’t mean they are happy. Therefore, when it comes to your personal luxury lifestyle, don’t try to emulate others.
Embrace a luxurious lifestyle that works for you.
This is not to say that you have to cut all ties from social media like a luxury Luddite (otherwise how would you share our helpful tips with your friends and loved ones!). No, what we’re suggesting is that instead of worrying about the message your stuff sends, think about the message you are sending. Share expressions of yourself that make you happy and confident -- think of it like art.
Social media is yet another way we can express ourselves in today’s world. So, cultivate these expressions like you would something creative. If you want to share a picture of your gourmet dinner, take a great photo. But, when deciding what is worth sharing, make sure it feels like you rather than a commercial for whatever products you're rocking.
7. Foster Good Relationships.
As we mentioned above, one person’s luxury lifestyle can feel like a luxury cage to another. Still, no matter what you enjoy, if all you do is totter around your lavish home alone, it won’t feel very luxurious. That’s because, as the old song says, people really do need other people.
Of course, you don’t want to be like The Great Gatsby, and just surround yourself with people there to drink your booze, eat your food, and peek in your closets. No, what you need are real, meaningful relationships with other people.
Avoid spending all your time focusing on your plans, and remember to make time for people. Once you have achieved your luxurious lifestyle, these are likely the people you will with whom you will share the fruits of your labor.
8. Give Back to a Cause You Care About
A luxury lifestyle worth living is not one that focuses solely on you all the time. In fact, what gives value to your accomplishment is doing your part to help others achieve their dreams.
Volunteer your time and money to charities and causes that are important to you. Help mentor youth to set their own plans for the future, using your example as a guide. Give of your time or money (or both) to those who weren’t so fortunate as to see their dreams for a luxury lifestyle realized.
Helping others helps you, too.
Of course, we all know we should do altruistic things for their own sake, but there is a benefit for you as well. It will help you continue to feel like you deserve the life you’ve built. This is key for sustaining your luxury lifestyle beyond the first time the direct deposit hits your account.
Seeing people at other stages of the journey can help you remember both how hard you fought to get where you are, and how far you still can go. But you will rest more comfortably in your own luxury lifestyle, in your own skin, if you remember to be of service whenever you can afford to be.
There is no guaranteed path to living a luxurious lifestyle, but you should go for it anyways!
Unfortunately, these tips can only help you create the outline of your journey towards the luxury lifestyle you know you deserve. Life is a strange, chaotic thing filled with constant marvels and distractions. But, with focus and hard work, you can not only build the luxury lifestyle you want, but also help others achieve their dreams. Still, knowing this, we hope you found these tips helpful in setting up your best plan to live the life of your dream.
Do you have any tips of your own or anything we missed? Share your comments and insights with us below!
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