Thanks to the motorized surfboard, people can now hit "the waves" without any waves at all.
The motorized surfboard is a newer way for people to get out on the water, without chasing waves up and down the coast. When it comes to water sports, surfing provides an intimate connection to the ocean in ways others don't. Unlike yachting or parasailing, it's just you and the board and the water. Unlike snorkeling or scuba diving, there is not equipment or boats nearby to rescue you. To get the best ride, you face the most dangerous and turbulent waves. That is, of course, unless you have a motorized surfboard that carry you across the water even if it's as still as glass.
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Things to Consider Before Buying a Motorized Surfboard
Buying a motorized surfboard is an investment. These amazing machines are pricey. Unlike a boogie board or beach umbrella, this isn't something you just pick up for a weekend at the shore.
Surfing is a unique experience in the water, because there is so little room for error. The board is all that stands between you and the unforgiving power of the ocean. Even if you subtract the roiling, giant waves that propel the boards, it's not without danger.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking the Plunge on a Motorized Surfboard:
Since picking up a motorized surfboard represents an investment of time and training, ask yourself these questions. Jet propelled surfboards make for an incredible time on the water, but only if a person properly prepares for it.
Are You a Strong Swimmer?
When you dream about a day at sea, how much swimming happens? Have confidence in your ability to swim to shore, or back to your board, if you fall off in deep water. Just because the motorized surfboard does most of the work, doesn't mean that thanks to gravity you won't end up in the drink. Proficiency in the water, when it's just you, is essential to using jet propelled surfboards safely.
Seriously, How Much Do You Want to Be In the Water?
A motorized surfboard is not like a jet ski or a kayak. While technically a vehicle, there are no seats, straps, or guarantee you'll stay upright.
Do you want to wile away the hours on a boat deck? Do you want to paddle your way to adventure in a kayak? If so, know that the motorized surfboard experience is not like those. In fact, it's even different from jet skis, which are far more stable.
For as much as you'll zip across the surface of the sea on a jet propelled surfboard, you'll swim in it, too.
What to Consider Before Buying a Motorized Surfboard:
Along with a love of being in the water, you'll need to figure out what kind of motorized surfboard you want. Choose from top of the line machines that cost tens of thousands of dollars to inflatable boards that cost only hundreds. It's all about the experience you want to have.
Consider How Much You'll Use Your Motorized Surfboard
When you hit the beach, the sheer number of activities to choose from can be overwhelming. When it comes to jet propelled surfboards, only purchase one if you plan to use it often.
If you just happen to be curious about them or want to give them a try, consider renting before buying. If you try it and hate it, you won't be out a couple of thousand dollars. Instead, you can go parasailing or just lay out with that book you wanted to finish.
On the other hand, if you want to hit the water everyday, you can do so on your motorized surfboard. You will definitely want one to call your own!
Think About How Much You Want to Spend
The motorized surfboard is relatively new technology, so they still carry hefty price tags. If money is no object, then spend with abandon and find the one you love best. However, the most expensive motorized surfboard may not fit your needs. There are plenty of quality options listed below, and with careful consideration you'll find the one that fits your surfing style and your budget.
Top 5 Motorized Surfboards
Near the top of this article, we shared a chart listing the jet propelled surfboards we love. Check below to see all the different styles of motorized surfboard you can choose from.
1. Lampuga Boost
Lampuga is a small company in Hamburg, Germany that will make you a motorized surfboard upon request. These start at good price, and even include inflatable models designed for lifeguards. But the one for us is the Lampuga Boost. Capable of speeds up to 34 mph, the 15 hp electric motor gives you 45 minutes of hanging ten on the water. Made from high quality materials, they come with weight. The board is a hefty 81 pounds.
2. Hison Ultimate JET Powered Surfboard Power Ski
The Hison Ultimate Jet Powered Surfboard Ski is a less costly option than the Lampuga, but it's also heavier. Weighing in at about 110 pounds, it promises speeds of 30 knots from it's 15 hp engine. It uses an external cooling system that utilizes the water displaced by the board to keep temperatures down. While it starts by electricity, it's powered by unleaded gasoline. Still a costly option. You can chose from four colors: red, yellow, blue, or black.
3. Jetson Li-ion Electric Powered Rescue Paddle Board
The Jetson Rescue Paddle Board is not the typical motorized surfboard. This jet board is not designed for frolicking out on the open sea, though there is nothing stopping a person from using it for that. This would be a motorized surfboard to have at a beach house or on a boat. If trouble arises, the lithium-ion powered battery fuels four different propulsion levels. This board won't achieve the speeds of the previous two, but in an emergency it works fine. This motorized surfboard is incredibly light, weighing in at just under 27 pounds. Even if you don't enjoy jet surfing, this might be something you wouldn't regret having if you need it.
4. SUP Jet Electric Stand-Up Paddle Board
The SUP Jet Electric Stand-Up Paddle Board represents much less of a financial investment than the previous entries. This motorized surfboard is made from a high quality EPS foam and epoxy resin. The built-in jet drive motor runs on a lithium-ion battery. For six hours of charging time, you get 90 minutes of battery life. The motor is emission-free, giving it appeal with eco-friendly surfers. With a leisurely top speed of 5 mph, this motorized surfboard is great for beginners. The paddle that comes with the board ensures that if the motor runs out of juice, your fun on the water doesn't have to stop.
5. Lampuga Air Inflatable Motorized Surfboard
This is the second motorized surfboard from Hamburg company, Lampuga. Unlike the previous jet board, the Lampuga Air is inflatable and easy to transport. The engine offers speeds up to 30 mph, with low energy consumption. You can remove the engine module to fit any number of inflatable hulls. There are some designed for smaller folks, standard sizes, and a double-sized hull for party-surfing (though, you will need a second engine module for that one). You will get about 45 minutes of power from a charge, but the lithium-ion battery recharges in two hours or less. This motorized surfboard weighs about ten pounds less than the other Lampuga model. Similar to its heavier cousin, it's also very expensive.
Other Fun Things to Do Outdoors
Check these articles for more ideas about ways to spend your leisure time:
Happy Surfing and Remember to Be Safe!
The best thing about a motorized surfboard is that you don't have to wait for harsh seas to have fun. When doing any activity on the water, safety is paramount. When using a motorized surfboard, remember to wear a life vest and a helmet. Hitting the water at a high rate of speed can cause serious injury. So always be careful and never jet surf alone.
Still, a motorized surfboard is much safer than a regular one. It is also an amazing piece of technology that is only in its early days. In the years and decades to come, these jet propelled surfboards will get lighter and faster. So, whether you want to whisk across the water at a high-rate of speed or putter along leisurely, there is a motorized surfboard for you.
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