Who doesn't want to live the James Bond lifestyle?
The suave, debonaire and always smooth lady’s man is an icon of masculinity. All of his lines are cool. He can handle himself in any situation. James Bond exudes confidence that just doesn’t exist in real life. Or does it? Of course, no amount of training or style upgrades will transform you into an international spy. But several of the characteristics we all seem to admire in this fictional character can be yours. The first step in realizing any goal is creating a plan. That’s what we’ve attempted by providing this list. As it turns out, focusing on a few key traits and skills can help you live that elusive James Bond lifestyle.
What is a James Bond lifestyle all about?
Just like any fictional hero, every fan has a different reason for idolizing 007. At the root of it all, however, seems to be the James Bond swagger. He is no Batman or Superman. Bond doesn’t hide behind a mask or wear tights and a cape. He’s always Bond. James Bond. And no matter where he is, he fits in perfectly. He’s the life of every party. None of us are that mysterious, but deep down a lot of us would like to be. There’s a reason “The Most Interesting Man in the World” was such a popular pitchman for Dos Equis. He was basically James Bond with a beer instead of a martini. No matter where 007 went, he knew there was nobody around more interesting than him.

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Who is it for?
These tips can be used to some extent by practically anyone. That’s the great thing about the James Bond experience. No one should expect to follow his exact path. These stories are not how to manuals, after all. But if you’d like to add a little more mystery to your life, 007 gives us some clear pointers. And while some of these tips are clearly geared toward guys, it’s hardly a gender specific list. At some point, all of us could use a little more confidence. We all want to feel as if we’re effortlessly stylish and cool. Bond represents that with a blueprint we can all use to form our own.
What does it mean?
If you’ve read a 007 novel or seen one of the iconic films, you probably don’t need to ask. But Ian Fleming’s character has been embodied by some great actors, all with a set of impressive traits. There’s his inimitable way with the ladies. He has the coolest gadgets and knows how to use them all. James Bond represents the suave guy who is always in control. Whatever you do for a living and wherever you live, these are characteristics you can hone. If 007 were a real guy, he would’ve had to start where you are now at some point. With the following suggestions, you’ll be on your way to that James Bond lifestyle.
How to Create the Best James Bond Lifestyle For You:
Since 007 represents different things to different people, you should first determine what you admire about him. Decide which characteristics you'd like to build. You'll probably find you already have some aptitude in a few of these traits. It might be best to start there and build on what you've already got. But at the end of the day, make sure your James Bond lifestyle represents who you want to be.
1. Start with the wardrobe
So you know you need the right tux if you’re going to be James Bond. But let’s be honest, you’re not likely to wear your Michael Craig Ivory and Black Skyfall tuxedo every day. So you need to make sure that impeccable style and fashion stretches to include your entire wardrobe. This includes casual, sportswear, formal -- and everything in between.
For the full James Bond experience, you might find you need to start from scratch. But you can get your feet wet by introducing a few new pieces to your closet. The primary goal is to dress appropriately for any situation. Know ahead of time whether a tux is appropriate or too dressy. Bond always dressed right for the circumstances. He didn’t dress better than everybody else; he was just better dressed. That might be a subtle distinction, but it’s an important one.
Given the exact same wardrobes, James Bond would emerge looking sharper than you. So start by doing some research. There are some subscription services aimed at increasing your style quotient. You might even want to consult one on one with an expert. Once you master your wardrobe, it’s much easier to build confidence in other areas.
2. Maintain impeccable hygiene
There’s no use putting the best clothes on a dirty body. If you’re going for the James Bond lifestyle, you’re going to have to remain fresh in any situation. 007 never knows what’s coming his way on any given day. So not only does he need nerves of steel, but some powerful soap. Start with a luxurious and incredibly effective body wash like Creed Original Vitiver for Men. Then use it -- regularly.
Bond doesn’t just naturally arrive at a dinner party with perfectly coiffed hair and pleasant aroma after a day full of spy work. Always be prepared to head home for a quick shower and change if last minute opportunities arise. Or take a duffel bag with you packed with supplies and a few strategic bathing options. In addition to a top notch soap, don’t forget deodorant and hair products. And of course, you’ll want to find that perfect fragrance.
3. Learn to defend yourself
Truly embodying a James Bond lifestyle requires a bit of hand-to-hand combat expertise. I’m not talking about the fight you think you won back in junior high. Rather, international men of mystery know how to defend themselves in any situation. And that’s the kind of commitment the James Bond lifestyle demands.
Depending on your personal level of fitness and acuity, you might want to start slow. Decide which disciplines you’d like to learn first, then set out to master them. You can always find plenty of professionals able to teach you in a personal setting. Or, if you prefer to do it yourself, check out some of the video tutorials many fans swear by. Choices like this collection of 20 hand-to-hand combat videos have given guys the confidence to face the evening like 007.
4. Polish your pick-up skills
It’s no secret that James Bond is a lady’s man. Much of it arises from his smooth demeanor. But he has to have the right lines, too. Now, we live in a different era than peak 007 popularity. While some of the chauvinistic behavior from earlier movies might be off limits now, don’t dismiss the art of seduction.
These skills are somewhat more difficult to learn than self defense, it seems. There are plenty of helpful books designed to help you overcome any nerves associated with breaking the ice, though. Anyone who tries to tell you there are specific lines or moves that will attract women is telling you a lie. As you already know, everyone is different. Engaging with anyone, regardless of your intent, is a personal matter. But if the object of your attention reciprocates, there are a few character traits that tend to work in your favor.
Confidence and chivalry are good ingredients with which to start. Mix in liberally from whatever character traits are your personal strengths. And always make sure to tailor the experience to the situation. Picking up someone at a pub involves a different approach than in Sunday school, for example. But by listening and understanding your surroundings, you make sure you’re always on your best foot when it counts.
5. Get in shape
You simply cannot live the James Bond lifestyle if you cannot keep up. You can start immediately by cleaning up your diet and starting some aerobics. This will increase your metabolism and help you get through each day without losing energy. In conjunction with the combat training, start building muscle and adding to your fitness factor.
This will make you feel more confident and thus act more confident wherever you go. Not to mention, it will be easier to pick a great wardrobe as well as ensure you make it through both a day’s work and a night’s play. Grab a convenient under-desk treadmill like the one pictured above to make sure you can sneak in a workout at any time.
6. Place your bets!
You don’t have to be a professional gambler to live a James Bond lifestyle. In fact, too often a hobby becomes an addiction when too much betting takes place. And you’ll find that 007 knew just when to leave things to Lady Luck. You should familiarize yourself with the basics of gambling.
If you run in circles similar to James Bond, you’re sure to encounter plenty of gamblers. And many will have their own favorite game. Even if you never sit down at a roulette table, it would behoove you to know the basics of the game. The same is true with all the major games of chance.
The main thing about living the James Bond lifestyle is to always be prepared. If you’re caught unaware in a conversation about gambling, that would reflect poorly on your training! So know when to hold ‘em, fold ‘em, and walk away leaving everyone intrigued.
The James Bond lifestyle is within your reach.
Sure, he’s not a real person. But the ideal he represents is alive in many of us today. Whether it’s a daily persona or something you save for special occasions, it’s good to have these skills in the holster. And no matter why you think it would be cool to live the James Bond lifestyle, go for it! It might give you some added confidence. Maybe the frequent work out regimen will add to your energy level. Perhaps it will lead to meeting the woman of your dreams. At the very least, you can get a glimpse what it's like to be an icon.
Here’s hoping you enjoyed the tips we put together in an effort to make that dream life a reality for you. Please share this article with the James Bond fans in your life. If you have a favorite 007 trait or feature, let us know in the comments section below.
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