Staying healthy abroad can be tough, especially when everything around you is new.
Staying healthy abroad can be a challenge. However, it need not be that way. While you cannot always have the same things you had back home, you can make do with whatever comes your way. If you plan to prevent illness abroad and stay healthy, we suggest some easy ways to do so. Our fourteen tips will help you take care of yourself and your family in the initial days, even as you adjust to the new place. Read on to know how to stay healthy abroad.
Our Quick Guide for How to Stay Healthy Abroad
Check out these simple and yet doable steps to help you stay healthy abroad.
1. Stay Hydrated
We hear it time and again. And it's not without reason that you are bombarded with this advice. Water is an essential resource to keep you in a good state. So, be sure to have the cleanest and safest water around. Depending on where you are traveling, you might not always be sure if the water is healthy to drink. Take the safe route.
Only go for bottled water. And, if this is not available, opt for boiled water. Cold or iced water may contain bacteria that can cause sickness and infections. In the unfortunate event that you do catch a disease, it could wash away your travel itinerary. Therefore, take the necessary care to stay hydrated and stay healthy abroad.
2. Carry Essential Medicines
Traveling has its perks. However, it also comes with its share of problems. Now, these may vary depending on your health and how it reacts to specific climate and place. But, that’s not to say you cannot take necessary precautions.
Carry your essential medicines that you often rush to when you are sick. Of course, cold, flu and cough are obvious. Still, don't forget remedies if you are prone to certain sickness from travel or high altitude. This way, you are prepared in case of any unforeseen circumstances.
3. Sleep Well
You could be a night person or a morning person. But, if you are always traveling or relocating abroad, then the most important thing you can surely control is your sleep. While we don’t promote cutting down on sleep, you should align your sleep clock to match your timezone.
If you are used to a certain number of hours or a fixed time, then ensure you get the set hours of sleep. Moreover, sleeping lets your body adjust to new climatic conditions and works well when you wish to stay healthy abroad. However, do not make the mistake of forcing your body to align in a day or two. Do let it adjust even up to a week or two.
4. Learn About the Local Food
Once you are in a new place, it’s obvious you’ll want to be adventurous. However, if you're going to stay healthy abroad, then the wise thing would be to equip yourself with the right knowledge on the local food. Now, you could be a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian. Either way, spare yourself the excitement of trying everything.
Of course, some food might be too tempting to ignore. But, show some restraint and go for foods your palate agrees to. Check the ingredients in the new dish and only select those that agree with your body. In this way, you won’t surprise yourself and also enjoy the food.
5. Keep a Diary of Your Allergies
While traveling is not a novel idea, the ingredients in food might not suit everyone the same way. For example, if you have heard of a dish that’s held in high regard globally, it might be irresistible to avoid it. But, before you dive in, make sure to consider any allergies that could be harmful to you. Furthermore, you should note that not all allergies are equal. Some might do minimal harm and can be easily treated with a single medicinal dose.
However, others might not be so forgiving. Allergeies could create an unexpected adverse reaction. So, we do suggest taking note of any special ingredients that cause allergies. Take it a step ahead and make a note of all elements and dishes which might not suit you. This diary can also be useful for anyone else in case of an emergency.
6. Get Vaccinated
To stay healthy abroad, it is wise to keep yourself updated on all the infections or viruses that are popular in the area of a visit. We suggest keeping tabs on those that are widely reported in the media or have a sufficient warning given.
By doing so, you can prepare by getting the necessary vaccinations. Besides traveling abroad, injections help your immunity against any future health attacks. Thus, you are safe from any unexpected sickness or health scare that’s detrimental to your travel plans or well-being.
7. Plan in Advance
Another way to stay healthy abroad is to be well-prepared. And, by well-prepared, we mean both with your itinerary and your supplies. It’s better to keep yourself updated on all the latest news on the place you are about to shift. For instance, are there cases of an outbreak you need to be wary of? Are there any medicines or items that are in abundance in your country but unavailable abroad?
To be on the safer side, carry along these basic supplies with you before you start the journey. By doing so, you are ready when you enter a new place.
8. Be Prepared for Emergencies
Most often, we casually dismiss anything happening in other countries as something that happens to others. However, if you wish to stay healthy abroad and reamin safe, this should not be an option. Because you are in a new place, it's best to be with the bare necessities that can safeguard you.
Moreover, kids and elderly have weaker immune systems. It’s best to take their recommended supplies, medicines, and vaccination in case of any emergencies. While that’s not to ignore other age groups, the higher chance of getting infected easily lends priority when you plan to stay healthy abroad.
9. Experiment Within Limits
Yes, we know a new place calls for a bit of experimentation with your diet, snacks and local food. While we don’t discourage giving up everything, be cautious about the hygiene or care taken to serve food in the local areas.
Often, it’s easy to spot a newcomer. And, at times, it becomes a playground for people who are not very inviting. So, take caution in your experiments. While you will come across people who are warm and welcoming, it might not always be the case. So, to stay healthy abroad, exercise necessary caution.
10. Interact With Other Tourists
Interacting with other tourists is a goldmine of information. When you attempt to communicate with them, you often find out about their experience in that place and the best places to go. Because they have already experienced most of the area before you, they can warn and also educate on what’s the best place to eat, drink, and also save money wisely.
Now you might not be overly cautious since most places can be inviting and a dream location. However, by being well-informed, you set yourself up to go places which are open to newcomers, are clean, and also have the best menu you can imagine.
11. Know Your Body Clock
As a frequent traveler, your biggest struggle is jet-lag. And if you are continually staying abroad every couple of weeks, that’s inviting a whole lot of health issues. While there is no permanent solution to it, the best way to mitigate the effects of jet-lag is to learn your body clock.
Now, you might love to sleep during the flight, or eating lightly could be the trick. Whatever works for you will let you be in the right frame of mind every time you land in a new place. If you plan to stay healthy abroad, we suggest adjusting your body clock to these patterns that keep you fresh and active always. And, by doing so, you set yourself up to be in perfect harmony every time you travel.
12. Stack Healthy Snacks in Your Backpack
Yes, burgers and fries can be tempting. And, if they have the most delicious toppings, you might not be able to resist. We get it. However, every time you dig into junk food, you are deceiving your mind and body to choose taste over nutrition.
Instead, for a quick hunger pang, reach in your bag and snack on some healthy nuts, juice, or fruits that can keep you hydrated, full and yet fit for the long travel. Alternatively, to stay healthy abroad, go for healthy juices or smoothies that are filling and contain all the vital nutrients to keep you healthy.
13. Beware of Bugs
We take due precaution on mosquitoes and insects at home. When you are abroad, it becomes even more critical. Try to keep a mosquito repellent with you everywhere. Also, don’t forget to wear full-sleeves and cover yourself adequately, especially at night. By doing so, you protect yourself from any accidental bites.
Bed bugs or insect bites might not be easily curable depending on which part of the world you stay abroad. So, if you plan to stay healthy elsewhere, do take the due care to keep insect repellent with you at all times.
14. Drive Around With Caution
Finally, it is exciting to take a vehicle and explore the local area. And, there’s no greater joy then hiring a two-wheeler and zipping through the local space. However, as is the case, every place has its driving and traffic rules. While some universal driving rules do apply, make sure to ensure you are within limits in that place.
Follow traffic rules to see that you do not land yourself in a hazardous situation. Driving at high speeds can lead to accidents that could be dangerous. But, by taking due diligence, you can ensure you enjoy your ride and also keep yourself and your family safe.
To stay healthy abroad requires a few tips that secure you and your family’s future elsewhere.
We hope you enjoyed reading these stay healthy abroad tips. While they are not entirely comprehensive, following these necessary steps can ensure you enjoy your stay abroad without any significant glitches.
Have you struggled to stay healthy elsewhere? What has been your experience? Share it with us in the comments!
For those making a shift abroad, don’t forget to share these tips with them and keep them safe.
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