“Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?”
Disney’s Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs might have been onto something all the way back in 1937. Since first seeing the Evil Queen talk to her mirror and have it respond, I know we have all wished for the same luxury. Well, now we can have it with smart mirrors!
Why put a smart mirror in your bathroom?
Smart mirrors are the perfect luxury tech item for your bathroom -- but pretty much anywhere in your home works too! As far as the bathroom goes, we all spend a lot of time throughout our lives in that space. Whether it be brushing your teeth, taking a shower, going potty, applying makeup, or anything else, there is a grip of time being spent in the bathroom. Chances are, you’re already taking your smartphone or tablet in there when you go.
Don’t worry, we won’t judge you. We all have busy lives so it makes sense that technology integrates into our routines. There are emails to check, the weather report, latest news, health stats for the day, Facebook and more. But bringing it in with you and looking down while you’re trying to do your business can be a pain. This is exactly why smart mirrors are the best luxury item with which to fix that annoying bathroom problem!
What are smart mirrors and what do they do?
Can you imagine waking up to a mirror that detects your presence and turns on to say hello? What about using voice command to play music while you jump in the shower and sing when no one’s listening? How about scrolling through Facebook, Instagram or twitter while you brush your teeth? Or even watch a makeup tutorial as you’re applying your own to make sure you get the eye-shadow just right?
These are all possibilities with smart mirrors, and the list doesn’t end there. With upgraded systems, there are a load of apps you can download and access through these smart mirrors. Things like your gallery apps to view selfies you take with the mirror to playing games like Candy Crush are all accessible. Some can even connect to other smart items in your house to display your blood pressure, turn on your coffee machine, and more.
Not all smart mirrors are the same.
Just like every other product in the world, there are numerous types and styles of smart mirrors you can find. Not all smart mirrors are made the same or equal. Different smart mirrors have different styles, systems, functions, and features. Thus it's good to compare several varieties to see what is out there.
Some smart mirrors are centered around specific subjects like skin care which reveals wrinkles, red lines, etc to provide recommendations. Others can be completely zoned in on anything from your health (like activity or nutrition) to the best beauty tips. Not to mention, some of them can do it all with third-party apps -- so anything from shopping to music to social media scrolling is possible.
Things to Remember When Buying a Smart Mirror:
With all these available options, if you’re thinking of getting a smart mirror - do your research. Whenever you buy a new smartphone we know you do your due diligence to make sure it’s the right fit. Dealing with smart mirrors is exactly the same -- especially because it’s a luxury tech item. Know what you want to use it for and take the search forward from there to find the best one for you.
Available Smart Mirror Options
To help you out, we have included a short list of some smart mirrors below so you can see for yourself. Click on any of the buttons to get a more detailed view of the different smart mirrors, how they work, shipping options and more.
1. Frednology Smart Mirrors
Frednology smart mirrors are some of our favorite. If you’re someone who wants to use a smart mirror for anything under the sun, these are for you. They provide two models: Mirror and Allure.
Mirror is a larger smart mirror that features internet access with an Android 5.0 operating system. This means you can connect to a myriad of apps like Facebook, Instagram, health, music, and more. Some other awesome features include being waterproof, mist proof, and having an air-purifying system that eliminates dirt and germs.
Allure is a smaller mirror that is perfect for makeup application. Due to its smaller size, you can easily move it around or bring it with you. It even has special lighting so you can make sure all those blemishes and flawed spots are hidden. Similar to Mirror, Allure has an Android operating system that connects to numerous apps like YouTube for makeup tutorials.
2. Mango Mirror
Mango mirror is one of the best smart mirrors for those of you obsessed with everything related to your health. Displaying your fitness, nutrition, sleep, and more, it will keep your body in top shape. In case you share the bathroom, there is also a multi-user configuration so everyone can have their own display. This is definitely one of the best smart mirrors for everything health and fitness.
3. HiMirror
HiMirror provides the perfect smart mirrors to ensure your face and skin are flawless. More than just a mirror, it helps you assess your skin’s condition. This includes things like dark circles, red spots, pores, wrinkles, fine lines, clarity and more. When doing so, it recommends skin care methods that help your issues and keeps track of your progress over time.
4. DIY with Raspberry Pi 3
Don’t feel like buying a smart mirror and are quite tech savvy yourself? Good news, you can even build your own smart mirror! With a Raspberry Pi, monitor, two way mirror and frame, you will have all the tools you need. Plus, your smart mirrors will be super low cost! Here’s how to do it:
Who wouldn’t want smart mirrors in their bathroom with all these awesome features available at your voice and fingertips?
We sure as heck do! All in all, any of these mirrors are fabulous and would go great in your bathroom. However, they can also work in a myriad of other places you spend a decent amount of time.
Businesses like luxury hotels, salons, shopping stores, restaurants, airports, office buildings will likely see benefits of installing smart mirrors. Customers would love the feeling of using luxury smart mirrors and you can bet they would return again.
Smart mirrors are the perfect luxury tech item to make your bathroom and home smart, fun, and chic. They provide you with easier integration so you don’t always have to bring your phone or tablet along. Just remember our advice and be sure it’s the right smart mirror for you.
Have you ever heard of any of these smart mirrors? Which one would you buy? How about other smart mirrors on the market? If so, which ones are your favorite?
Tell us in the comments below and share with family and friends who love luxury tech too!